Prices and Registration

The price includes:

The price does not include:

(fresh water is available at all meals at no charge)

Prices for the tour in 2024:

Price for one person in double room: $2620
Price for one person in single room: $2980

Prices stated in $ (USD). Modification according to current exchange rates reserved.

There are a limited number of single rooms available, and they will be given out on a first-registration basis. If you would like a roommate, but are traveling alone, we will be happy to give you suggestions and “make introductions” via email between travelers who might consider rooming with each other.

Registration info:

Space on the tour will be limited to 25 participants. Please register no later than June 15th, 2024. Inquiries after that date should be made to see if space is still available. Contact Jan to
A deposit of $500 per person, made payable to Dvorana, is requested upon registration.
If WE need to cancel the tour, your entire deposit ($500/person) will be refunded.
If YOU need to cancel before June 15th, your entire deposit will be refunded minus a $50 processing charge; after June 15th we will refund the $450 only if we are able to fill your space on the tour.
Your tour balance is payable to Dvorana by July 1st.

Payment Options:

  • Check:
    This is the most direct way of paying your deposit, and it has been used by most participants in the past.
    Please make the check out to: Jitka Bonušová, Generála Janouška 889/36, 19800 Praha 9, Czech Republic
  • Wire Transfer to the Dvorana’s bank:
    Bank Account Holder: Jitka Bonušová
    Bank Account Number: 1411610297/0100
    Bank Name: Komerční banka a.s., Praha 9 Branch,  Bryksova 759/60, 198 00 Praha-Černý Most
    SWIFT Code: (for international deposits only) KOMBCZPP
    IBAN: CZ2301000000001411610297

    If you prefer to do an electronic transfer, you can transfer the amount from your bank to Dvorana’s bank. In this option, we ask you to cover those additional fees. For overseas dancers the cost could be high.