Val from Vermont, US
Overall, I was extremely pleased with the trip and in awe of Dvorana’s organizational skills, knowledge base, and choice of activities (with so many related to folklore).

Jim from Maine, US
I cannot image a better conceived or executed tour. It was everything it was cracked up to be.

Marianne and Claus from Denmark
We had a great trip, and we did enjoy each day program.

Trish from New Mexico, US
I especially enjoyed the visits to handicraft production sites and artists, as well as unusual sites I wouldn’t have found on my own.

Robert and Olivia from North Carolina, US
We have been reviewing our photos and notes, and admiring once again our helpful Guide Book Dvorana prepared for us. It is difficult to think of anything I didn’t like. The tour was perfectly organized, thoughtfully explained, and beautifully done. Dvorana made good use of our bus time by educating us about the history of countries we visited.

Gail and Donald  from North Carolina, US
I recently had to pleasure of participating in a tour of Czechia, Slovakia, and Poland with Drovana Travel. Mr. Jan Plumpr was our tour guide and  Anička Vondráčová was our excellent driver. Our group was unanimous in appreciation of Anička’s tremendous driving skills. We felt safely transported at all time, and her warm and welcoming manner was a tremendous addition to the experience.

Lynne  from New York, US
 I just want to thank you again for such a great trip. I had a wonderful time, and I appreciated your knowledge and kindness and humor. You were so helpful on the hikes and in so many other ways. Thanks so much for making this trip such a positive, valuable experience.